Watching Election Results Online

When my friends and family sit down at my house tonight to watch election results, we’ll be watching both our TV and PC.  Google’s election map mashup, for example, will let you drill down into any county in the country.  CNN is also offering local results for congressional races and many state propositions.

The Associated Press which provides election data to many news outlets, has its own election site that will feature exit polls, a video stream and other timely data.

All of the TV networks will offer extended online coverage including the CBS News Campaign 08 site that will include a web-only podcast featuring anchor Katie Couric as well as updates on all congressional seats and major ballot initiatives for each state.*  ABC News, MSNBC and CNN will also all have extensive online coverage including state-by-state breakdowns.  You can also download “widgets” from CBS News and MSNBC that will provide real-time election data to your PC.

Some of the more popular political blogs include Huffington Post (liberal), Drudge Report, RealClear Politics , Andrew Sullivan, Little Green Footballs (conservative), TalkingPointsMemo, Daily Kos (liberal), and Wonkette.

And here’s a map that you can print out and color in the results tonight.

* I serve as technology analyst for CBS News