Delete Alexa recordings in 3 easy steps

As CNET reported, Alexa transcripts can remain on Amazon servers even after you delete the voice recordings. According to CNET, “Amazon lets you delete those voice recordings, giving you a false sense of privacy.”  The article went on to say that the  company “keeps the text logs of the transcribed audio on its cloud servers, with no option for you to delete them.”  CNET  it added that Amazon “erases the text transcripts from Alexa’s ‘main system,’ but is working on removing them from other areas where the data can travel.”

In the mean time, you can follow the steps below to at least delete the recordings and yuou can review your voice recordings here.

To bulk delete:

  1. Click here to go to Amazon Preferences
  2. Click Alexa Privacy
  3. Click on Review Voice History and select what you want to delete

To delete one items at a time (much slower)

  1. Open your Alexa app on your phone and select Settings
  2. Select Alexa Account
  3. Select History
  4. Select any item you wish to delete
  5. Select Delete Voice Recording