Facebook’s Semi-Automatic Mobile Photo Sync:What You Need To Know

Facebook announced on Monday that it is allowing users of its iOS and Android mobile app to automatically sync photos to their Facebook account so that they’ll be available to share as soon as you log on via a computer.

But don’t worry about accidentally posting embarrassing photos. When you enable sync, photos wind up in a holding area and are invisible to all but yourself until you decide to share them.

Follow the directions below to enable sync on your phone and to share your pictures once you log on via the web.

To enable sync:

1. If you haven’t already done so, download the latest Facebook app to your phone. Launch the app and press the menu icon in the upper left of the screen (it’s a blue icon with 3 lines).
2. Scroll down till you see photos and click on the word Photo
3. Then click on Sync in the lower right corner.

To share pictures

After you’ve enabled sync, pictures you take will automatically be syncronized to a holding area in your Facebook account.  To access it, click on Add Photos/Video near the top of your Home page and notice that there is now the option to Add Synced Photos:

Click on Add Synced Photos and you’ll see the pictures that you’ve synced.  Select the pictures you want to share and click Add Photos. You will then be able to add text and share them to whatever audience you select. As with all Facebook posts you can select who gets to see it ranging from the pubic (everyone) to “only me” (just you). The widest audience available to minors under 18 is Friends of Friends.

Disclosure: I’m co-director of ConnectSafely.org, a non-profit Internet safety organization that receives financial support from Facebook.