Shopping advice + Calculate how much food & toilet paper you’ll need during quarantine

Whether you’re going to into store, having groceries delivered or picking them up curbside, it is possible to purchase two-weeks worth of food without hoarding. Scroll down for links as well as some direct advice vetted by experts.

Omni Calculator has two useful tools to help households calculate how much to buy, without hoarding.

Food calculator

Toilet paper

Advice about shopping

How to food shop during a global pandemic (Omni Calculator)

What not to buy (Omni Calculator)

Go grocery shopping every two weeks? You can — and without hoarding (Wash Post — no paywall)

9 tips for grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic (CNET)

Cleaning produce in the age of coronavirus: Take these food safety steps, rinse and repeat (USA Today)

Pandemic food storage tips: Don’t overstuff your fridge and other helpful suggestions (Morning Call)

Doctors share tips to safely grocery shop during COVID-19 (short but useful video from WREG TV

Other advice

  • If you get take-out, opt for hot foods and consider packaging potentially infected (the hot food should be OK but you can microwave it just to be sure)
  • Open packages outside or on a table separated by clean and not clean. Sanitize both parts of table first and (when possible) sanitize each item before putting on the clean side). Throw away all packaging ASAP
  • Virus can live for up-to 2 years in freezer so throw away outer packaging before freezing
  • There is conflicting advice about whether to wash fresh fruit & veggies in soap. Some advise it but experts say the soap can make you sick. Definitely rinse carefully in water. If possible, wait 3 days before consuming apples & other fruits that can sit on a counter for awhile.

Click below for 13-minute doctor’s advice video